Novetats 2018

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"The Next Day". El video censurat a David Bowie.

Mentre TVE recomana als aturats que s'apropen a un altar a resar per a calmar l'ansietat, als 66 anys, l'il·luminat David Bowie continua sent un gran artista que sap quines tecles polsar de manera intel·ligent per a provocar on més fa mal, qui no s'ha imaginat als capos del Vaticà en circumstàncies similars?. Dirigit per la italiana Floria Sigismondi, amb Gary Oldman i la ballarina Cotillard en els papers principals.

Un molt bon vídeo que encara pot veure's en VEVO. El dedique als dirigents de la televisió estatal que cada vegada fan més pudor. Tu si que em lleves l'ansietat, beneït siguis Sant Bowie!!!!!

Look into my eyes he tells her
I’m gonna say goodbye he says yea
Do not cry she begs of him goodbye yea
All that day she thinks of his love yea
They whip him through the streets and alleys there
The gormless and the baying crowd right there
They can’t get enough of that doomsday song
They can’t get enough of it all
Listen to the whores he tells her
He fashions paper sculptures of them
Then drags them to the river‘s bank in the cart
Their soggy paper bodies wash ashore in the dark
And the priest stiff in hate now demanding fun begin
Of his women dressed as men for the pleasure of that priest
Here I amNot quite dying
My body left to rot in a hollow treeIts branches throwing shadows
On the gallows for me
And the next day
And the next
And another day
Ignoring the pain of their particular diseases
They chase him through the alleys chase him down the steps
They haul him through the mud and they chant for his death
And drag him to the feet of the purple headed priest
First they give you everything that you want
Then they take back everything that you have
They live upon their feet and they die upon their knees
They can work with satan while they dress like the saints
They know god exists for the devil told them so
They scream my name aloud down into the well below
Here I am
Not quite dying
My body left to rot in a hollow treeIts branches throwing shadows
On the gallows for me
And the next day
And the next
And another day

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  1. M'ha agradat molt la cançó del gran Bowie (genial situar-la envers aquesta tv de l'oligopoli). Però la cita de Woody Guthrie m'ha posat els pels de punta, m'ha fet saltar les llàgrimes i tot! (no l'he vista fins avui, no sé quan de temps fa que està, i mira que sóc seguidor absolut d'aquest bloc). Això és genial. Cada dia m'interessa més la figura de Woody Guthrie i tot el seu llegat. Gràcies!
