Novetats 2018

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Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (2010)

El tercer treball dels Arcade Fire s'anomenarà The Suburbs, ja està preparat per a possar-se a la venda en Agost, disponible en descàrrega pre-order per als impacients. De moment els xics de Quebec ja han posat a disposició dels fans dues cançons en un single, "The Suburbs" i "Month of May". Si tinguera que analitzar el proper disc a partir d'aquestes cançons em resultaria prou difícil, però si faig cas a la pista que Wim Butler i els seus ens volen donar a conèixer si que m'aventuraria a dir que continuen sonant a ells mateix, el seu so és reconeixible a kilòmetres de distància, però amb matisos.

The Suburbs és més pausada, amb un so més folkie i acústic, un piano en primer pla i una veu menys tensa del que ens tenen acostumats. La sorpresa ens arriba amb Month of May, la corda es tensa i la guitarra passa a ser la protagonista, en este tema els Arcade Fire volen sonar punk i quasi ho aconsegueixen, possiblement dels temes més estimulants que han tret als darrers anys. Tinc la certesa que no ens diran res de nou al proper disc, que no vol dir això que sigui roin ni molt menys, si no que continuaran la mateixa línia que fins ara però amb estructures més treballades i millor produïdes, que em de fer... si ara tenen diners que ho aprofiten i que enlluernen millor els seus discos.

Doncs be, us deixe els dos temes, per a que les escolteu, i la lletra per si de cas voleu fer un karaoke a l'hora de sopar, mai se sap, en ma casa a l'hora de sopar escoltem la ràdio i de vegades inclús cantem, xiquet inclòs... que després del gran desengany del TDT, a la tele no la puc ni veure, li he pres un poc de fàstic.

En exclusiva per a la terra de la Fórmula 1, les Falles, traques i bunyols, i les Arts i les Ciències de llanda!!!!! (je je je, sempre he volgut dir això)... amb tots vosaltres!!!! Arcade Fire!!!!!! 

"The Suburbs"

In the suburbs, I
I learned to drive
And you told me I’d never survive
Grab your mother’s keys, we’re leaving

You always seemed so sure
That one day we’d fight in
In a suburban war
You put it down against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
Nobody down, the first bombs fell
We were already bored
We were already, already bored

Sometimes I can’t believe it
I’m moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can’t believe it
I’m moving past the feeling again

The kids won’t be so hard
In my dreams we’re still screaming
Running through the yard
And all the walls that they built in the 70s finally fall
And all of the houses they built in the 70s finally fall
It meant nothing at all
It meant nothing at all
It meant nothing

Sometimes I can’t believe it
I’m moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can’t believe it
I’m moving past the feeling into the night

I just can’t understand
How I want a daughter while I’m still young
I want to hold her hand
Show her some beauty
Before this damage is done
But if it’s too much to ask
If it’s too much to ask
Send me a son

Under the overpass
In the parking lot we’re still waiting
It’s already passed
So move your feet from hot pavement
And into the grass
Cause it’s already passed
It’s already already passed

"Month of May"

One two three four!
Gonna make a record in the month of May
In the month of May, in the month of May
Gonna make a record in the month of May
When the violent wind blows the wires away

Month of May, it's a violent thing
In the city their hearts start to sing
Well, some people singing sounds like screaming
Used to doubt it but now I believe it

Month of May, everybody sing love
In the city, watch it from above
And just when I knew what I wanted to say
The violent wind blew the wires away

(We were shocked in the suburbs)

Now the kids are all standing with their arms folded tight
The kids are all standing with their arms folded tight
Now, some things are pure and some things are right
But the kids are still standing with their arms folded tight
I said some things are pure and some things are right
But the anekatips kids are still with their arms folded tight

So young, so young
So much pain for someone so young, well
I know it's heavy, I know it ain't light
But how you gonna lift it with your arms folded tight?

(?) ..............of the town
that's why I'm still driving around
and around and around and around
and around ......

2009, 2010 Wanna make a record how I felt then
When I stood outside in the month of May
And watched the violent wind blow the wires away

If I died in the month of May
Let the wind take my body away, then
Wish I may, I wish I might
Make me down there with my arms folded tight

Start again in the month of May (x2)
Come on and blow the wires away (x2)
Wires away

I si has arribat fins ací com diria un mag francès "Voila!!!!" dos temes més registrats a un programa de ràdio canadenc, ... ay ay ay el ansia del fan incondicional...

"Ready to Start"

"We used to wait"

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